BOSA Products
1. Development Loans
- Given up to 5 times a member’s shares (subject to 1/3 of basic salary rule)
- Repayable in between 12 -to- 108 months
- These loans are amortized and are offered at affordable interest rates.
2. Refinancing Loans
- These type of loans are given to members who could already be having development loans that have already been substantially serviced but still need more financing .
- Refinancing loans are payable in between 36 -to- 108 months
3.School Fees Loans
- School fees loans are given to members to carter for their school fees needs.
- It is repayable in a maximum of 12 months
- Affordable interest rates at diminishing balance are offered
4. Emergency Loans
- Given to members to carter for unplanned for occurrences
- These loans are given on the same day that they are applied.